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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!

Career Planning

Postsecondary Planning

  • Stumped about your career options? Need help in researching an occupation? Want to know how to write a resume that really rocks? Perhaps you could benefit from the services of a Career Advisor. Ms. Shannon Balerud is available to assist as you make important decisions about your future and plan for your transition from high school to the post-secondary world.

    Ms. Balerud can help you:

    --Develop career goals
    --Engage in career exploration and research
    --Take interest inventories and personality assessments
    --Participate in a Job Shadow and/or Career Forum experience
    --Choose a plan of study and link it to a future career
    --Understand labor market information
    --Develop effective employability strategies: resumes, cover letters, interviewing skills, and job search tools
    --Apply to college and university programs

    Both students and parents are welcome to meet with Ms. Balerud. Available for individual consultations Monday-Thursday, feel free to make an appointment with Ms. Balerud by signing up in the Student Services Office (701)323-4802.