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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!

You will find basic information about each of the activities offered at Bismarck High School on the page dedicated to each activity. If activities have their own sites, you will notice a link that will direct you to their more comprehensive external page. We hope you find the site easy to navigate and that you are able to find the information you are looking for quickly.

Matt Crane
Activities Director
323-4800 ext. 6143

BHS Fan Gear

Online Activity Registration

For this school year, we will again utilize an online registration system for parents to complete the paperwork necessary for their students to participate in activities through Bismarck Public Schools.  You will notice a link on each of the athletics pages or you can access the registration system by clicking the link below.  Registering your student through the system is the only way in which these forms can be completed and must be completed prior to the first practice.

BHS/WMS Online Activity Registration

Online Activity Registration Help Sheet

***Please note, you will need to register your student at the school they will be competing for.  If you have a middle school athlete participating in a high school sport, you will need to register them through the Bismarck High Registration Form***

Athletic Registration Information

  • 2024-2025 Athletic Registration will open on July 1.  As of this date, you will be able to register your student for next year's activities.  As always, please remember to register them for all activities you believe they may participate in.  This will keep you from having to go back into the system later in the year.
    • If you run into problems with a username or password, please contact Mr. Crane
    • The Athletic Registration site DOES NOT take or track payments.  Please disregard any information you see on that site regarding payment.  To make a payment for an activity fee, please use MyPayments Plus.
    • The document should be in a digital format so you can upload it as a part of the registration process.
    • As a part of athletics registration, you must have a copy of your student's physical dated after April 15 of this year. 
      • Please note, Form B will not be accepted this year.